Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dream Big

I've been reading this book called "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. He is a computer science professor at Carnegy Mellon University. What makes this book interesting is that Randy is dying of cancer. Anyone who knows me that I've thrown myself into volunteer work with the American Cancer Society because I believe this disease affects many more people than it should. Not only does it affect them, it kills them. Painfully and efficiently. Anyone that has witnessed a cancer victim in their last months, weeks, or even days, knows that this isn't something that anyone should have to experience. I saw my grandfather about a week before his death from cancer. It was probably one of the most painful experiences in my life, to see a loved one who was so strong, fun, and energetic not able to walk or even speak. He probably weighed about 90 pounds.

Anyway, the point of this blog isn't to talk about death. It's to talk about life. This book, The Last Lecture, written by a dying man, is about his life. He dreamed big as a child and met almost every single childhood dream before his premature end. He wanted to experience zero gravity as an astronaut does, he wanted to become a Disney Imagineer, and many more.

What are our dreams? I don't know about you, but I think more often than not, we lose our dreams in the day-to-day getting through life stuff. We don't focus on the fact that today was once our tomorrow... what are we doing to make this life the most extraordinary life that we ever could have lived? Are we growing in our faith in God? Are we becoming better friends, better lovers, better children, better parents? Are we experiencing the things in this life that really matter?

My last post was a checklist of "things I've done". But, to be honest.... most of those things on that list in bold aren't that important. They're things that just kindof happened. Here's hoping that I can really figure out what I want out of life, and then figure out how to make it happen! We never know how long we'll be here on this earth, so let's live! This may sound cheesy... but CARPE DIEM! Live for today. Dream big dreams. And then make them happen.



Kimbo said...

Thanks for this...I've been wanting to read this but haven't heard any feedback on it. You are just all grown up these days. Love the words of wisdom. We should all read this book every couple of months as a reminder of whats really important huh? Love you

Allison said...

I really enjoyed this post. You sure did a great job of inspiring me! Thanks Kelsey. I 'm going to do some thinking and figure out if I'm still on track to reaching my dreams. :)

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