Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Oh me, oh my!

Let's rip this band-aid off quickly.... I'm not going to London/Paris any longer. Dear Mr. Woodford has decided that he just isn't up for a long distance relationship, so why even do the trip. So... back to the drawing board. Another one bites the dust! I'm sad that it failed so quickly, but I can't lament something that I can't control. So.... onward and upward I suppose. :)

Anywhooooo....... It's the day before a holiday, so I'm going to take off from work a little early! Later!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How come everytime you come around, my London Bridge fall down?

Ok ok ok.... update! I am GOING TO LONDON/FRANCE for New Years. What? I'm crazy? I know. ;) I will fly out to London, and Mr. Woodford will pick me up and woo me for 7 fantastic days. I imagine that things will go well, but who knows. We're going to spend a few days in London and then will take the tunnel under the channel to Paris for the weekend. Then, back to London for the last few days. I am still stunned each and every day by how wonderful he appears. It's scary how perfect things are on paper. But, if I was married everytime things looked good on paper..... don't know how to finish that one? Ignore me.

So, in the meantime, I'm waiting at 11:41pm for work to call me in for a press check. I was meant to have it at 10pm and then another at 6am, but I haven't heard yet that they're ready for me. Which means that it'll be late tonight, and then probably super early tomorrow. Here's hoping it gets me a get-out-of-work early card! Haha.

AND: some friends have a suite at the Venetian in Vegas and they really want me to come, but I'm really a fan of sleeping on the weekends... and being in Vegas isn't condusive to sleep!! And, speding 12 hours in the car doesn't sound that ideal either. But, who knows... maybe I'll go, I could use a little getaway!

And, I just

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Oops, I did it again. Maybe?

Ok, so anyone who knows my romantic history knows that I have had one real, great love in my life-- an englishman named Steve that I met while he was visiting his brother and sister-in-law in Utah for Christmas in 2003. We met in church and it began a 12 month long trans-continental romance. It was a wonderful experience, all except for the long times apart and then the heart-breaking day when we decided (or, he decided really...) that we weren't meant to be and the tale suddenly came to an end.

Fast forward 5 years-- I'm oh so much more wise. Or, am I? Last week my friend Nathan came up to go to my ward Halloween party with me. I met Nathan through Steve, they served missions together in Zimbabwe. Nathan is from South Africa, but moved here to go to school. He brought his friend Luke who was visiting from South Africa for a few weeks. Immediately, I noticed Luke's outgoing, fun personality, which impressed me. The next night they joined some friends for a "Pumpkin carving with power tools" party. As I flited and flirted about at the party (I had too! We had more men than ladies...), Luke pulled me aside to help him get some hot chocolate. Then, he told me about these girls at the party that were flirting with him like mad and how they wanted to see him on Thursday, but he couldn't go out with them because he had a date with me. Being dense, I of course thought he was kidding! It wasn't until he said "So, uh.... can I take you out on Thursday?" that I got it.

Needless to say (ya'll know where this is headed), Thursday was an AMAZING night. I didn't expect to connect the way that we did, and I didn't expect him to be as great as he seems to be. I'm impressed by many of his qualities, and I can't wait to get to know him better! Sadly, after staying up all night talking and having an amazing night, I took him to meet up with his friends and go to the airport at 6am. But, he is moving to London at the end of December, and its starting to look like I may end up on a plane out there for New Years.

Anyway, since I usually post some pretty dull things, I thought this might be a nice pick-me-up for all of you devoted readers. See... maybe there's hope for me yet. ;)

The man himself.
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