Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July Weekend!

Ok, so I decided to take Thursday off of work to go to the lake with my family. But, plans changed and we ended up changing that to today. So... I kept Thursday off and then just got today off as well.... hello 5 day weekend! It was awesome, especially because things at work have been less than ideal!

SO, anyway.... Thursday I slept in, went to the pool and lunch with my dear friend Brynnly, and then had a little hangout at Christina's house. Friday was the 4th of July... slept in again, went down to Provo and spent the afternoon with my family just hanging out. We then went to Stadium of Fire and saw MILEY CYRUS (all the pre-teen girls can scream now). It was SO fun. I can't tell you how stinkin cute my nieces are.... and, how fun my brother, his wife, and my sister are!
The funniest part of the night was when I took a picture of me and Avalee and Sadie. Sadie was making a really funny face.... so, I told her I was going to take another, and asked her to make a cute face. She said ok! Here are the pictures....
First Picture... with Sadie being silly.

Second picture with Sadie making her "cute" face.

So, yes..... that is her cute face. haha. She's such a silly bug!
Stadium of Fire really was an awesome event, and it was just a simple reminder of how good we really have it... but it also reminded me of how very fragile it all is. We need to remember to keep trying to be a righteous people, because when we forget God, thats when we start to lose the blessings that we sorely need in order to stay a free country. 9/11 wasn't that long ago, and people are already biter towards our leaders and our government. We need to remember how in those days following that tragic attack how our country turned to our Heavenly Father.... its amazing how quick we are to forget!

Then, the rest of the weekend was spent hanging out with friends and cleaning the house.

Until today, when I went to the Jordanelle resevoir and spent the day jetskiing with the family. I loved it!! It just takes a few easy going days in the sun to really clear my head and realize where my priorities are and where they should be, and that I shouldn't let work ruin my life. haha.
Anyway, here are some pictures from the weekend! I'm recharged! Although, not quite ready to go back to work. ;)


Kimbo said...

Oh my goodness...looks like you had such a great weekend. Love the pics with the cute little nieces. Too bad work still isn't going well, but I'm glad you had a nice break. YOU SO TAN GIRL!!! (mexican voice) Hope you have a good week back. Don't work too hard ;)

Allison said...

Cute cute pictures. Those little girls are adorable. I bet the stadium of fire thing was awesome. I agree with are mexican dark. Nice!

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