Monday, July 14, 2008

Estoy Muy Blessido

Si. Estoy muy blessido. That is spanglish for: Yes, I am very blessed.

I just finished up with a little bike ride around my neighborhood in the warm summer air. I heard children laughing, dogs barking, fire crackers popping, crickets chirping, and birds twittering.

I rode past the new temple. I rode over the bride overlooking the lake and saw all the lights from the neighborhood, as well as the silhouette of the new Angel Moroni they just put on the temple spire against the mountains. Wow.

I also had a fabulous weekend. I went up in the mountains and saw a huge herd of sheep, rode a horse, roasted a hot dog over a bonfire, heard an old cowboy reminisce, layed out by the pool, went to a baseball game in a suite with good friends, went to a couple barbecues, and saw a movie. I went to church on Sunday, and it was so enjoyable I couldn't help but be happy to be there.

Yes, yes... I am lucky, blessed, and really have SO much to be grateful for!!

1 comment:

Kimbo said...

oh what a fun weekend. You are looking so tan. Must be the perks of owning a convertible ;)

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