Monday, May 18, 2009

Mamma Mia

So, Mother's day was over a week ago. As was my "blogging blitz". But, I thought it was high time that I posted pictures from Mother's day, which also happened to be the day we celebrated my brovers birfday.

My attempts to become a photographer. Cute Avalee!! Can you believe she's already 8!? Rooskie... remember when we was born? Back when we were in the dorms!! Crazy!

Little Miss Sadie. Recently she got in trouble for mixing some play dough together and ruining the colors. When her mom asked why she did this, she said that Boede did it, which was obviously not true. So, then when she was caught there, she went to the next logical step... she blamed it on a ghost! When her mom told her that ghosts weren't real, she said "Yes there are! Mom, it was the Holy Ghost that made me do it!" haha. Um, they have their hands full with this kid. Love her.

Boede getting ready to go for a walk.

Boede... he's a lady killer ya'll.

The two best mother's in my life: my Mom and Adrea. Sadly, the other best mother I know was unable to come. We missed you Grandma Reynolds.

My "cake" that I cooked for my brother. Don't judge the book by it's cover... what it lacked in beauty, it made up for in tase. ;)

I was being a creative photographer. Needless to say, these kids know what will happen if they misbehave when Aunt Boo is around! haha. KIDDING!


Kimbo said...

I love this post. Avalee is so big. No I can not believe it's been 8 years. That's crazy. I still picture her as a little baby girl. Sadie and Boede are so stinkin cute too. They are definitely capitalizing on all the attention they get I bet. I love your face with the cake. Is that "better than sex cake" you used to make? I love that stuff. I forgot all about it I need that recipe. I love you Kelsaroo!

JWolfgramm said...

good pics kels!! ummm...ya that cake still looks good!!!!

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